Quick Start: Start Your Own World
First, you need to think of a good name for your world. Use a world name that people can easily remember.
Now run AltME and click on Start a World:

Enter the name you want for your world and give it a password. The password is used to prevent other people from
taking your world name. It is your world's ownership password.

Write down your password so you do not forget it! This is the most common mistake people
make. They forget their world password.
If the world name is already taken, try variations on the name until you succeed.
You will be asked to confirm your password. You will also be asked for your email address (suggested but not
required). Proceed with the process until it says Ready to Start.

Note that when you first start a world, your initial user name will be Master with a password of pass.
The first thing you will do when you visit your world is change the Master password.
Now, click the Start button. You will see a small window pop open:

This is the AltME server for your world. It must be running for other people to connect to your world.
Congratulations! Your world is now alive!
You visit your world the same way you visit any world (as described in the visiting section).
Use Master and pass to logon the first time.

Now you are visiting your own world. The list on the left shows the users and groups for your world. That "Master"
person is you.

It's time to change your Master password. Right click on the Master user (the same one pointed to above). You
will see information about the user. Enter a new password.

Write down your new Master password! If you forget it, you will not be able to logon
to your own world.
You can now invite other users to join you in your world. Just click on the users and groups icon in the upper
left and fill in their account information. (You can even send them an email from with AltME to tell them their
account information. To do that you must first setup your email info. Go to Setup Options in the main menu.)
To check that your world is reachable to your users, you can check it here.
Note: You can logoff AltME but still keep your world going. Your users will still be able to visit your world
and leave you messages.
To log back onto your world, follow the steps for visiting a world.
Next Section: Restart a World